Ncert is a linchpin as far as preparation of civil service exam is concerned:
 At the very inset of preparation by candidates NCERT is necessary for the following reason.
1.Extensive cover of civil service examination syllabus.
2. lucid language
3.NCERT old edition was written by eminent academicians,even in a single book there was contribution of several authors with their micro specialisation
4. It builds ,shape the fundamentals of the candidate.
5.Information provided by ncert are authentic one and UPSCalso rely on it for authenticity.
6.Right from inception UPSC asked direct questions  from ncert and this trend  even prevails today.(35-40 prelims question ,immensely helpful in answering concept based Mains question).
7. NCERT crisp notes are always handy in last minute revision.
Our NCERT one year Guidance programme is meticulously planned, target oriented,mentored by faculty of teaching NCERT books with UPSC Exam as a goal.
so students come, join, explore and excel.


Moral and Ethical traits are the most important virtue of any Civil Servant. Ethan IAS Academy stows great prominence to develop these traits in every aspirant by providing various motivational classes & interaction with senior bureaucrats. Ethan IAS Academy is committed to provide and develop competitive attitude and sturdy academic base among all students.

Our Vision

Based on the dynamic nature of UPSC Civil Service Examination & various parameters set by it, every aspirant should furnished with the most pertinent and comprehensive teaching, guidance & motivation for the examination, Ethan IAS Academy offers the best refurbished study materials developed by expert team & lectures to excel the students in examination.