Current Affairs plays a key role in all the three stages of UPSC Civil Services Examination preparation, especially in the Mains and Interview.

There is no particular trend in which UPSC has asked questions from current events, and hence its preparation required more attention and refined technique to cover the topics.

Further, for the UPSC Civil Services  main examination, the newspaper will help you in understanding the current issues and developing your Opinion and language for answer writing.

Current Affairs is a  test of alertness and awareness and not just knowledge! Students need to be updated on all current issues – regional, national or international.  Ethan IAS conduct daily & Weekly current affairs classes along with major news paper editorial discussion to enhance the current events knowledge of the aspirants.



Moral and Ethical traits are the most important virtue of any Civil Servant. Ethan IAS Academy stows great prominence to develop these traits in every aspirant by providing various motivational classes & interaction with senior bureaucrats. Ethan IAS Academy is committed to provide and develop competitive attitude and sturdy academic base among all students.

Our Vision

Based on the dynamic nature of UPSC Civil Service Examination & various parameters set by it, every aspirant should furnished with the most pertinent and comprehensive teaching, guidance & motivation for the examination, Ethan IAS Academy offers the best refurbished study materials developed by expert team & lectures to excel the students in examination.